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My shadowscape and fairy tarot both like messing with me ahaha ^^;

I understand the feeling with my Archangel oracle deck.

Damn. Are you also able to sense what they’re about to say before they mess with you? owo

No. I haven’t had them long enough. The bond is still growing. They do have a little habit of telling me things I don’t want to hear, but that I know is necessary to hear.

Ahhh right, my bad~ Same here tbh…and usually it’s because I tend to not listen at times. My fairy tarot deck literally called me a fool about an hour ago. 😂

I’ve only done readings of myself, so they’re getting to know me very well.

… My cards just said I’m childish and inexperienced, but through that, I can help teach others … Thanks, Archangels, I guess?

Oooh yay for bonding! C:

And wow that’s certainly something! 😱 Decks tend to compliment in unexpected ways…Reminds me of Sagittarius traits~

Hello! I’m having difficulties figuring out my direction in life. See, I recently went through a Tower experience (my foundation of beliefs have crumbled) and I am wondering if I should pursue something that completely deviates from where I was or still stick with it a little. Thank you!


Hello, and awww. ;-; I got a yes to your first question, and a no to sticking with it. (May things turn in your favor. The Tower when it crumbles Is a blessing in disguise.)

Hello! I’m having difficulties figuring out my direction in life. See, I recently went through a Tower experience (my foundation of beliefs have crumbled) and I am wondering if I should pursue something that completely deviates from where I was or still stick with it a little. Thank you!

Hello, and awww. ;-; I got a yes to your first question, and a no to sticking with it. (May things turn in your favor. The Tower when it crumbles Is a blessing in disguise.)





My shadowscape and fairy tarot both like messing with me ahaha ^^;

I understand the feeling with my Archangel oracle deck.

Damn. Are you also able to sense what they’re about to say before they mess with you? owo

No. I haven’t had them long enough. The bond is still growing. They do have a little habit of telling me things I don’t want to hear, but that I know is necessary to hear.

Ahhh right, my bad~ Same here tbh…and usually it’s because I tend to not listen at times. My fairy tarot deck literally called me a fool about an hour ago. 😂


Not Sagittarius? Checkout Your Zodiac Sign


Lone Wolf Invisibility Spell


What You shall need

-Your mind

– A white candle

– Protective Incense

This spell consists of sitting in a dark room by a lit candle. You will need to visualize a wolf surrounded by others wolves, and then slowly, the others will dissipate from the surroundings until that wolf is alone. This is to keep people from bothering you or from being all up in your business. 


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