




Not Sagittarius? Checkout Your Zodiac Sign


The Moon Signs When Drunk


Aries Moon: Usually quite hyperactive, easy to rile up and their emotions are quite raw, either the first to fall asleep or they’re up till the next day suggesting a round two. They can be sort of unpredictable just as they would be sober, one minute they could be opening up, but the next they’ll get incredibly defensive and think that you’re going to judge them etc. Overall party animals but their childlike temperament can be a problem. 

Taurus Moon: Pretty giggly and surprisingly ditzy, as if they’re on cloud 9. They talk about random shit and will take the time to tell you how much you mean to them in a perfectly honest way. If you’re drinking together, I promise you 97% of your inside jokes will be made then and there. They’ll really look after you if you need it and won’t judge you for anything you do in your drunken state. 10/10 would get drunk with (again).

Gemini Moon: They can be pretty mouthy but in a good way, they’re incredibly funny and will rip the piss out of you to your face for the laugh. Probably not the best at looking after drink friends but they try. They may get pretty thoughtful with like minded people but will also run around the place being the trickster.

Cancer Moon: Honestly takes the term “mom friend” to a whole new level. Their inner hoe shines when they’re drunk and they don’t give a shit but they’ll sober up as soon as someone is sick and needs help. Can make pretty stupid decisions as a result of deep seated insecurities but will eventually deal with it. They replace their walking with dancing too.

Leo Moon: Becomes the comedian of the evening even if they’re not usually very funny. They spend so much time when they’re sober laughing off their pain so when they’re drunk it comes down on them a lot harder meaning they could crumble should someone poke at their emotions. They’re very proud and HATE opening up when drunk, for this reason they often distract themselves when drunk with entertaining others. 

Virgo Moon: Probably the most responsible drunk of the zodiac and by this I mean, they’d make sure to eat beforehand and they’d pace themselves etc but when drunk they tend to either party hard or sit and watch the world go by. They tend to be more outgoing and will be very chatty even with randomers! Other times though they will be the types that will sit, cloudy minded, watching and laughing at everyone else.

Libra Moon: Typically the “I love you” drunk but it isn’t always romantic or sexual. Their innate sense of compassion tends to become stronger and they are the type that will sit with someone who needs to (drunkingly) pour out their heart. They’re also social butterflies and will have fun with absolutely anybody. Not to mention they can be incrediblyyyyyyy flirty as if that wasn’t a given.

Scorpio Moon: This is the type of drinker that like their sign can be very enigmatic. They tend to be quite quiet and brooding but two minutes later they could be the soul of the party! This is because scorpio moons feel things so deeply that the alcohol – a natural depressant – will amplify those emotions, sometimes scorpio moon will brush them off and be incredibly fun but other times they need time to wallow, it’s natural and we all need it sometimes.

Sagittarius Moon: Loud af and can be in people’s face a lot. They’d probably be the type to do really dangerous drinking games or would be the one who decides to do something stupidly dangerous for fun. They don’t really do the whole emotional thing when drinking but when they do it’s A LOT of raw emotion and sometimes anger. 

Capricorn Moon: These drunks are quite reserved until they get to their limit, once they pass it, they seem to lose all inhibitions. They can be very snide and suddenly their words are laced with venom so I would advise caution to those dealing with Capricorn moons when drunk. They can also be quite reckless but fun and surprisingly would be the person others look after rather than the other way around, they sober up pretty quick though.

Aquarius Moon: Surprisingly to most, these people are probably some of the most emotional drunks there are! This is because Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. These people have a lot of chaotic emotions as it is but (when sober) Saturn keeps them locked away. When drunk, Saturn’s surface falls away and one minute this person will be partying hard and the next they may feel their walls crashing and burning.

Pisces Moon: Pisces Moon is in it’s element around alcohol as it is the sign of escapism, they must be careful and watch how much they drink. They usually become more outgoing and find it easier to be bluntly honest with others. These are generally the “happy go lucky” drunks but the slightest thing could potentially send them spiraling downwards so it is also important that they are with people they trust.

Drink safely if you do~

types of beauty (feminine) for the signs


* you can use rising sign too

* you may not look like yours, i’m comparing the signs to types of beauty

classically attractive ( taurus, leo ): can rock some red lipstick and probably pin curls too, if they wanted to. makes you want to kiss their hand and take them out to a drive in movie. features of this type: cupid’s bow lips / small nose / probably on the shorter side / clear skin / straight, white teeth

intimidatingly attractive ( scorpio, aries ): the human equivalent of the word ‘badass’. black nails is a must, and maybe a nose ring too, if they’re up for it. inspires sudden shy and bashful behavior. features of this type: strong jawline / dark eyes / tall / long legs / long, dark eyelashes

cutesy attractive ( cancer , libra ): all shy smiles and blushing with this one. probably wears lace and pastel. makes you feel like you want to take care of them and hug them. features of this type: full cheeks and lips / long hair / short / soft features / big, innocent eyes

unusually attractive ( aquarius, pisces ): they could be an alien, you don’t know. but a very attractive alien. supermodel-esque looks, also intimidating. you may feel oddly drawn to them. features of this type: tall / wide set eyes / uncommonly colored features ( i.e. light green eyes or red hair ) / strong jawline / high cheekbones

sophisticatedly attractive ( capricorn, virgo ): they wow you with their quiet, ambitious vibes. can rock pencils skirts and pointed toe heels better than anyone. they’ll probably intimidate you. features of this type: even tone / probably on the taller side / straight, white teeth / longish painted nails / long legs

mischievously attractive ( gemini, sagittarius ): you’ll often see a twinkle in their eye and a playful smirk on their lips. pixie cuts and glittery eyeliner work oddly well on them. these ones will pull you in with one silly grin. features of this type: twinkling eyes / short hair / small facial features / tiny body and limbs / heart or diamond shaped face

Can you describe the pros and cons of each Venus sign?


Idk what you mean by pros and cons rly but I’ll do my best here we go

Venus in Aries:

Demonstrative and enthusiastic attitude, which attracts friends. Likes
to bring loved ones unexpected gifts (generous). Flirtatious.

Cons- Can be vain as physical appearances are what first interest them. Touchy emotions. Demanding and somewhat selfish.

Venus is Taurus:

Takes time to make the right choice about who to love. Love does not
exist to them without sex (which could be a con to some people
actually). Very generous and demonstrative towards a lover.

Can be frustratingly slow moving at first. Can be smothering once they
get truly involved. Has a need to make their lover belong to them.

Venus in Gemini:

Possesses a certain coolness with their emotions. Has a wide range of
interests. Charming and naturally likeable. Very flirtatious.

Cons- Can be too lighthearted about love (they don’t like intense, heavy commitments). Inconsistent affections.

Venus in Cancer:

Romantic. Values being loved above all else. Will prepare for future
security (be able to support the other person in the long run). Will
remember anniversaries and birthdays no problem.

Cons- Needs
initial assurance that the other person likes them before reciprocating
affections. Could be too sentimental for some people’s taste (clingy).

Venus in Leo:

Irresistibly magnetic. Extravagantly affectionate/ generous. Capable of
making great sacrifice for the happiness of someone else.

They feel the need to dominate their lover (which is usually a con but
could be a pro to some). Requires intense devotion, loyalty, and lots of

Venus in Virgo:

Pros- Intelligent, loyal, and sympathetic. These people give their love to the world at large.

Can be overly cautious about falling in love, even blowing small faults
out of proportion to avoid involvement because they fear having their
feelings exploited by someone “unworthy”.

Venus in Libra:

Very romantic. Charming and follows social manners. The talents these
people possess will grow to fulfillment within a partnership or

Cons- Repulsed by anyone vulgar or crude. Falls in
love too easily. Can have more than one affair at a time. Will dismiss
anyone who doesn’t measure up without seeking their deeper qualities.

Venus in Scorpio:

Intense emotions. Sexual side of the relationship will be emphasized.
Will put you on a pedestal of glory for all to see (they think of their
chosen partner very highly).

Cons- Needs to possess a lover
wholly (it isn’t easy for anyone to deal with such possessiveness). If
someone doesn’t respond to their love, they can turn cruel/ vindictive.
Very sensitive to the slightest insult. Jealous.

Venus in Sagittarius:

First attractions are always incredibly romantic and exciting. Outgoing
and imaginative. Very good friend. This person tends to attract
powerful and influential friends.

Cons- Cannot sustain the
emotions and never completely sacrifices themself for another person.
Wants the unobtainable “perfect love”. Finds it easier to deal with
friends than lovers because friendship is less demanding.

Venus in Capricorn:

Loyal, faithful, and dependable. Will work to give the other person
security. Means what they say. Will provide material comforts.

Sometimes considered too cold and calculating (not warm and
affectionate enough). Not very demonstrative. Can be jealous and
possessive. Fearful of rejection.

Venus in Aquarius:

Helpful, kind, and giving. Likes someone they can relate to/ see
themself in. Believes in fairness and openness. Popular and attracts
many lovers. Great for platonic friendships.

Intellectually detached attitude about love. Personal freedom is very
important to them and any relationship must leave them free to explore
other hobbies/ interests/ friends. Cannot tolerate jealousy and will
walk away from emotional scenes. Sexual involvements are more
emotionally binding than they like.

Venus in Pisces:

Gentle, kindhearted, and has a deep capacity for devotion. Being loved
makes them feel complete. Follows their heart (intuitive about love).
Self-sacrificing. Puts the happiness of loved ones at the top of their

Cons- Extremely sensitive and fickle. They tend to choose the wrong lover- someone who takes emotionally but won’t give back. Overly generous and sometimes smothering.

All of that is true…I dislike messy emotions in romantic relationships.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope


There is a warm and positive atmosphere around that is perfect for improving the current state of your love life. The planetary energy enables you to get to know a certain person and to make quite a pleasant impression. Although you may not find yourself embroiled in a passionate relationship by this evening, you will certainly have made a very rewarding beginning. Things are looking up!

Not Sagittarius? Checkout Your Horoscope

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces


Not Sagittarius? Checkout Your Zodiac Sign


Always have your facts straight before you question Sagittarius.


Not Sagittarius? Checkout Your Zodiac Sign


People think Sagittarius are rude sometimes. They just don’t want to be dishonest.

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