



Edible witchcraft


Using edible components is kitchen witchy, thrifty, discreet, and often safer than using non-edible ones. Plus you can make enchanted cupcakes and stuff.

~ sugar: kindness, esp. unconditional
~ butter: a facilitator. Add to particularly difficult problems
~ apple: life; the human condition
~ orange: energy, strength
~ egg: divine potential
~ meat: ultimate sustenance; the circle of life
~ pepper: repellant; abrasive cleanser
~ salt: gentle cleanser; intensifier
~ cinnamon: repellant; fire; lust

Ex: cut an apple into thin rings to display the star-shaped core. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and eat it together with the target of your affections to make your attraction known.

I was wondering if time of day has any affect on spells? specifically sunset/sunrise? Thanks for your time! I love your blog :)


Thank you!

Ooh dear gods, the planetary hour chart.

There *is* some stuff that you see about each hour being ruled by the planets, and each planet dominates certain aspects. So, for instance, Venus rules matters of love and relationships and all that sappy stuff, right? So, doing a love spell would be best done on an hour that is ruled by Venus. It wouldn’t necessarily be specific to sunrise or sunset though – throughout the week cycle each hour is basically different and ruled by a different planet.


In astrological theory, not only the days of the week, but the hours of the day are dominated by the seven luminaries. If the first hour of a day is dominated by Saturn ( ), then the second hour is dominated by Jupiter (  ), the third by Mars ( ), and so on with the Sun ( ), Venus ( ), Mercury (  ), and the moon ( ☽ ), so that the sequence of planets repeats every seven hours. Therefore, the twenty-fifth hour, which is the first hour of the following day, is dominated by the Sun; the forty-ninth hour, which is the first hour of the next day, by the Moon. Thus, if a day is labelled by the planet which dominates its first hour, then Saturn’s day is followed by the Sun’s day, which is followed by the Moon’s day, and so forth, as shown below

And thus [the charts]:


That’s kind of a mess, though, and really damn hard to understand, so I found [this one] instead:


Note that the timing starts the hour from sunrise. 

Space is fucking weird man.

I did also find this post: [Nighttime vs Daytime When Working Spells]. It does that stupid gender polarity thing though, the “feminine” vs “masculine” energies, if you can push past that… It’s also very heavily Wiccan flavored.

There is also [this image] that speaks about time of day in spellcraft:

At dawn, work spells for study, business, employment, healing, and travel. Perform rituals of purification and to bless new beginnings. 

At midday use the sun’s full energy while casting spells of strength, courage, protection, success, opportunity, and money issues.

At sunset cast spells for release, for letting go of illness, heartbreak, and failure, and to banish misery and pain. Perform rituals for breaking addictions and negative habits.

Night is the time to cast spells to enhance self development, for psychic dreams and awareness, divination, spirituality, love, peace, and for the healing of old wounds and releasing stress.

Here is [another image] that goes into the particulars of each hour:

1 a.m. – the first hour of a new day; focus is on the wholeness of self and the banishing of any shadows.

2 a.m. – ridding partnerships or relationships of negativity.

3 a.m. – determination, especially in matters that seem to hold you back.

4 a.m. – improved luck or victory over a specific set of deterring circumstances.

5 a.m. – encouraging growth of the psychic self.

6 a.m. – tenacity and perseverance, especially with something you have been putting off.

7 a.m. – hope, improved insight, and perspective.

8 a.m. – persona change aimed toward the conscious mind.

9 a.m. – assistance for others, focusing on concrete matters.

10 a.m. – improving personal convictions and resolutions.

11 a.m. – energy directed toward transformations which may have seemed inpossible.

12 p.m. – noon; strength, courage, protection, success, opportunity, and money issues.

1 p.m. – self-image and personal security.

2 p.m. – building relationships, encouraging understanding and love between people, and sexual symmetry. (Whatever the fuck THAT means.)

3 p.m. – balancing matters of the body, mind, and spirit.

4 p.m. – harmony of elements, sticking to schedules, and magick to accentuate goals.

5 p.m. – insight to the self, and communicating with spiritual guides.

6 p.m. – matters of safety, protection, and completion. 

7 p.m. – diversity, blending or healing differences, and gentle care towards others.

8 p.m. – leadership, command, and guidance.

9 p.m. – comprehension of universal truth.

10 p.m. – improving the rational mind, sensibility, and clear mindedness.

11 p.m. – coping with drastic change in a positive manner.

12 a.m. – midnight; enhance self development, for psychic dreams and awareness, divination, spirituality, love, peace, and for the healing of old wounds and releasing stress.

I don’t know the sources of either of those images, as in where they got that information from, but it seems solid enough to me? Use at your discretion, I guess – practice and experiment and see how legit those are.

Also, [Time of Day for Spellcrafting], which says morning is good for awakening, new beginnings, fertility, and life direction; twilight is the time to perform spells for change, receptiveness, parenting, and moving between the worlds; and evening (which is somehow different from twilight?) is best for spells for camaraderie, spirituality, joy, pleasure, family gatherings, and children.

Also also, [Timing Your Spellwork].

Basically Google is my best friend, and I hope this helps you!



bewitched forest 

Time to drink that tea I have then 😆

Candle Colors in Love Magic


Red – Physical, passionate, lusty love.

Pink – Sweet, flowery, friendly, romantic love.

Orange – Basic attraction, somewhat lusty.

Yellow – Intellectual love, based on similar interests and communication.

Green – Marriage and family love; monogamous partners.

Blue – Dreamy, sensual, reckless love.

Violet – A love based more on imagined qualities than reality.

Gold – A protective love, somewhat possessive.

Silver – A very weak love, with clingy partners and issues with possession.

White – A loyal, but un-passionate love (this color can also be used as a substitute for other candle colors).

Black – A turbulent love with hidden aspects.

Brown – Not used in love magic.

This is a handy little list for if you want to be more creative with your love spells! I personally use combinations of colors to achieve the desired result. I hope you all find this helpful and use your power wisely! :3


Herbs for magic: A


Here are some magic uses for herbs and botanicals.

ALWAYS research herbs and other ingredients before use to make sure they wont cause any medical complications !!!!

  • Acacia – Protection, Psychic Powers, Love Spells, Money Spells and Secret Love.
  • Aconite – Protection and Invisibility. Also called wolfsbane, monkshood, blue rocket. DO NOT INGEST – POISON.
  • Acorn – Growth, Luck, Money, Popularity and Safety.
  • Adam & Eve Roots – Love and Happiness.
  • Adders Tongue – Healing.
  • African Violet – Spirituality and Protection.
  • Agaric – Fertility. Also known as magic mushroom, redcap, death angel and death cap. DO NOT INGEST – POISON.
  • Agrimony Herb – Protection, Sleep and Reversal of Spells.
  • Ague Root – Protection.
  • Alfalfa – Prosperity, Anti-hunger, Brings in Money and Protects against Financial Misfortune.
  • Alkanet – Purification and Prosperity.
  • Allspice – Money, Luck and Healing.
  • Almond – Money, Prosperity and Wisdom.
  • Aloe Vera – Protection and Luck.
  • Aloes, Wood – Love and Spirituality.
  • Althea – Protection and Psychic Powers.
  • Alyssum – Protection and Moderating Anger.
  • Amaranth – Healing, Protection and Invisibility.
  • Anemone – Health and Protection.
  • Angelica Leaves – Protection and Healing.
  • Angelica Root – Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions, Cures and Bewitchment. Deflects Curses.
  • Anise Seed – Awakening Subtle Energies for Magic, Ward Against “the Evil Eye,” Keeps Away Nightmares.
  • Apple Bark – Leadership, Negativity and Power.
  • Apple Blossom – Preference, Good Fortune and Perfection.
  • Apple Fruit – Love, Healing, Garden Magic and Immortality.
  • Apricot – Love.
  • Arabic Gum – Purify Negativity and Evil.
  • Arbutus – Protection and Exorcism.
  • Arnica – Bruises and Sprains. Stimulates the Heart. CAUTION: Do not apply to broken skin. Do not take internally.
  • Asafetida – Exorcism, Purification and Protection.
  • Ash Prickly Bark – Protection against Sorcery, Prosperity, Sea Rituals and Health.
  • Ash – Protection, Prosperity, Health and Sea Rituals.
  • Aspen – Eloquence and Anti-Theft.
  • Aster – Love.
  • Avens – Love, Purification and Exorcism.
  • Avocado Fruit – Love, Lust and Beauty.


A-Z Incense List and Usage Spell


ACACIA: Burned with sandalwood to stimulate the pshich powers.

AFRICAN VIOLET:Burned for protection and to promote spirituality within the home.

ALLSPICE: Burned to attract both good luck and money.

ALOES: Burned to attract good fortune, love, spiritual vibrations, and strength.

ALTHEA: Burned for protection and to stimulate the psychic powers.

ANISE SEEDS: Burned as a meditation incense.

BASIL: Burned to exorcise and protect against evil entities (such as demos and unfriendly ghosts), and to attract fidelity, love, good luck, sympathy, and wealth. This is also an excellent incense to use when performing love divinations.

BAY: Burned to facilitate the psychic powers, and to induce prophetic dream-visions.

BAYBERRY: Burned mainly to attract money.

BENZOIN: Burned for purification and to attract prosperity.

BISTORT: Burned (often with frankincense) as a powerful incense to aid divination.

BRACKEN: Burned in outdoor fires to magickally produce rain.

CEDAR: Burned for purification, to stimulate or strengthen the psychic powers, attract love, prevent nightmares, and heal various ailments, including head colds.

CINNAMON: Burned for protection and to attract money, stimulate or strengthen the psychic powers, and aid in healing.

CITRON: Burned in rituals to aid healing and also to strengthen the psychic powers.

CLOVE: Burned to dispel negativity, purify sacred and magickal spaces, attract money, and stop or prevent the spread of gossip.

COCONUT: Burned for protection.

COPAL: Burned for purification and to attract love.

DAMIANA: Burned to facilitate psychic visions.

DITTANY OF CRETE: urned to conjure spirits and to aid in astral projection (especially when mixed with equal parts of benzoin, sandalwood, and vanilla).

DRAGONS BLOOD: Burned to dispel negativity, exorcise evil supernatural entities, attract love, and restore male potency. Many Witches also burn dragons blood for protection when spellcasting and invoking. When added to other incenses, dragons blood makes thrie magickal powers stronger.

ELECAMPANE: Burned to strengthen the clairvoyant powers and scrying (divination by gazing) abilities.

FERN: Burned in outdoor fires to magickally produce rain. Also used to eorcise evil supernatural entities.

FRANKINCENSE: Burned to dispel negativity, purify magickal spaces, protect against evil, aid meditation, induce psychic visions, attract good luck, and honor Pagan deities.

FUMITORY: Burned to exorcise demons, poltergeist, and evil supernatural entities.

GALANGAL: Burned to break the curses cast by sorcerers.

GINSENG ROOT: Burned to keep wicked spirits at bay, and for protection against all forms of evil.

GOTU KOLA: Burned to aid meditation.

HEATHER: Burned to conjure beneficial spirits, and to magickally produce rain.

HIBISCUS FLOWERS: Burned to attract love.

HOREHOUND: Burned as an offertory incense to the ancient Egyptain god Horus.

JASMINE: Burned to attract love and money, and also to induce dreams of a prophetic nature.

JUNIPER: Burned to stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and also to break curses and hexes cast by evil sorcerers.

LAVENDER: Burned to induce rest and sleep, and to attract love (especially of a man).

LILAC: Burned to stimulate or increase the psychic poers, and tp attract harmony into ones life.

MACE: Burned to stimulate or increase the psychic poers.

MASTIC: Burned to conjure beneficial spirits, stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and intensify sexual desires. The magickal powers of other incenses are greatly increades when a bit of mastic is added.

MESQUITE: The magickal powers of all healing incenses are greatly increaded when mesquite is added.

MINT: Burned to increase sexual desire, exorcise evil supernatural entities, conjure beneficial spirits, and attract money. Mint incense also possesses strong healing vibrations and protective powers.

MYRRH: Burned (often with frankincense) for purification, consecration, healing, exorcism, and banishing evil. Myrrh also aids meditation rituals, and was commonly burned on altars in ancient Egypt as an offering to the deities Isis and Ra.

NUTMEG: Burned to aid meditation, stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and attract prosperity.

PATCHOULI: Burned to attract money and love, and also to promote fertility.

PINE: Burned for purification, and to banish negative energies, exorcise evil supernatural entities, and attract money, as well as to break hexes and return them to their senders.

POPPY SEEDS: Burned to promote female fertility, and to attract love, good luck, and money.

ROSE: Burned to increase courge, indue prophetic dreams, and attract love. Rose incense is used in all forms of love enchantment and possesses the strongest love vibration of any magickal incense.

ROSEMARY: Burned to purify, aid in healing, prevent nightmares, preserve youthfulness, dispel depression, attract fairyfolk, and promote restful sleep and pleasant dreams.

RUE: Burned to help restore health.

SAGE: Burned for protection against all forms of evil, and to purify sacred spaces and ritual tools, promote wisdom, attract money, and aid in healing the body, mind, and soul.

SAGEBRUSH: Burned to aid healing, and to banish negative energies and evil supernatural entities.

SANDALWOOD: Burned to exorcise demons and evil ghosts, conjure beneficial spirits, and promote spiritual awareness. Sandalwood incense is also used by many Witches in healing rituals and in wish-magick.

SOLOMONS SEAL: Burned mainly as an offertory incense to ancient Pagen deities.

STAR ANISE SEEDS: Burned to stimulate or increase the psychic powers.

STRAWBERRY: Burned to attract love.

SWEETGRASS: Burned to conjure beneficial spirits prior to spellcasting.

THYME: Burned for the purification of magivkal spaces prior to rituals, to aid in healin, and to attract good health.

VANILLA: Burned to attract love, increase sexual desire, improve the powers of the mind.

VERVAIN: Burned to exorcise evil supernatural entities.

VETIVERT: Burned to break curses, and for protection against sorcery (black magick) and thieves.

WILLOW: Burned to avert evil, attract love, and promote healing. It is also used by many Witches as an offertory incense for Pagan lunar deities.

WISTERIA: Burned for protection against all forms of evil.

WORMWOOD: Burned to stimulate or increase the psychic powers. When mixed with sandalwood and burned at night in a cemetery, wormwood is said to be able to conjure spirits from their graves.

Candle Colors & Meanings Masterpost


Below are the meanings of candle colors and which type of spells, rituals they are commonly associated with. Some might be repetitive sorry. I tried to narrow it down the best I can.

White: Truth, Purity, Cleansing, Innocence, Balance, Enlightenment, Healing, Clairvoyance, Unity, Protection, Peace, Spirit, Spirituality, the Goddess, rain, balancing the aura.White can be used as a stand in for any other color, as it is the balance of all colors and can be used in any ritual. It also can be used to neutralize some of the other energies. Rituals involving lunar energy. Peace, higher self, contains all colors, virginity.

Black –  consciousness, trance, uncrossing, banishing, negativity, discord, binding, the void, reversal, protection, deep meditation, deities of the underworld, healing powerful illness, shapeshifting, defense, pride, breaking free of bad habits and addictions, destroying evil and negativity. Attracts saturn energy, negates all colors and energies, invocation

Yellow – Activity, energy, action, creativity, happiness, learning, memory, intelligence, focus, confidence, communication, and mental Agility. wisdom and honor, action, inspiration and  studying, concentration,logic, learning, attraction, ,Mental powers, inspiration, cheerfulness, sunny disposition, changes, endurance, stability and security.Is used in rituals in which the trust of a person is gained or in which one wants to convince someone.  unity;  use in rituals where you wish to gain another’s confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that require solar energy. Charm, Joy.

Green – Earth , Money, luck, fertility, abundance, growth, expansion, employment, marriage, wealth, success, good luck, communication, physical healing, health, marriage, fertility, employment, balance, financial success, good luck, new job, good harvest, nature appreciation, love.  fertility, success; stimulates rituals for  harmony, and rejuvenation, Earth Mother,  Tree and Plant Magick, personal Goals,Purifying, Happiness

Emerald Green: Represents the Attraction of Love, Social delights and Fertility

Dark Green: Represents the color of ambition, greed and jealousy, counteracts these influences in a ritual.

Red: Deities of love, love, sex, strength, health, blood, energy,courage, masculine principle in nature,passion,survival, fertility, sexual potency, mercy, action, danger, war, competition, assertiveness, fire element, conflict, sports, independence, will power, determination, aggression, warmth, magnetism,- Ram /Scorpio Energy. courage,  increases magnetism in rituals; draws Aries and Scorpio energy. 

Pink: love, morality, honor, devotion, friendship, affection, caring, the beginning of love, peace, emotional healing, unconditional love, true love, sensitivity, Devotion, tenderness and faith,  honor, spiritual healing, caring, affection, forming partnerships, peace, emotional healing, Universal love, purest form of love, love that is unconditional, spiritual love without sex connotation, raises vibrations, sensitivity, healing. femininity, planetary good will, nurturing, sexual attraction, 

 standard color for rituals to draw affections; a color of femininity, honor, service, brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table.

Designed to attract attention and achieve a purpose in rituals. The color of femininity, Honor, Pleasantness – enhances joyful and lively conversation.

 Rose: Compassion for self and others, higher mystical powers, humor, Love, romance, opening the heart, forgiveness, compassion, healing, joy, creativity, endurance, strength, stability and security, higher awareness, humor, healing, creativity, endurance, 

Gold: enlightenment, wealth, protection, victory, luck, divination, masculinity, Attracts Positive Influences, and it’s connected with Justice and Career Matters, success, playfulness Fosters understanding and attracts the powers of cosmic influences, safety and power of the male.

beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or money, or in rituals needing solar energy.Enhances communication and attracts the power of cosmic influences; Useful in rituals which are designed to gain fortune or money

Blue: Water Represents Healing, Truth, Inspiration, High Wisdom, occult power, psychic protection, Understanding, Good Health, and the Feminine Principle in Nature. communication, calm, loosing weight, harmony, patience, happiness, luck, loyalty, cooling, contentment, healing, idealism, , devotion, meditation,  

primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom,  inner light, or peace;  

Good Fortune, Opening Blocked Communication, Wisdom, Protection, Spiritual Inspiration, Calm, Reassurance, Gently Moving, Creativity, Success, Material/Earthly Destiny, Patience, Communication, Clarity, Wisdom

Royal Blue – Changes, depression, losing weight, communication, loyalty, cooling, healing, Represents Promotes laughter, happiness and loyalty, use whenever an influence needs to be increased.

Light Blue – Health, patience, happiness, inspiration, truth, idealism, harmony Represents Spiritual color, helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations, brings peace and tranquility to the home, employ where a situation must be synthesized.  radiates Aquarius energy; 

Purple – power, business, royalty, ambition, ancient wisdom, nobility, meditation, the third eye, psychic powers, expansion and growth, recognition, spiritual protection, hidden knowledge, confidence, spiritual work  Represents Success in Financial Affairs,  Idealism, Use with white candle to neutralize effects of karma and ego, divination, All forms of expansion, expands what you already have,  healing, ,independence,, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increases Neptune energy.Influencing People in High Places, Self Assurance

Orange – attraction, energy, sudden change, action, cleansing negative energy, courage, ambition. careers, goals, jobs, employment spells, enthusiasm, Stimulation, Control, Personal Strength, Authority, Luck, Ambition, Property deals. Cleanses negative attitudes, situations and places, Happiness, business deals, attracting good things, success, sudden changes, Warmth, energy building, enthusiasm, emotional healing, attracts friends.  Creativity, ability to speak one’s mind,  self-confidence. Solar color and also stands for Leo. 

Brown – earth, Uncertainty, hesitation, unsure, find lost items, gain material wealth, balance, earth magick, friends, home, psychic, esp, animal magick, concentration, telepathy, special favors, influence. Used for feeling of Self Esteem. a balanced color. Rituals for material gain, eliminates indecisiveness, furthers powers of concentration, learning, telepathy. Expands financial success, friendships, balance, , concentration and studying, wealth, success, intuition, Protecting pets, Said to help find lost items. for rituals of materiel increase; eliminates indecisiveness;  increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost. Influence Friendships, Special Favors, To Dispel Sorrow, Grounding, For Growing Plants and Gardens

Violet – Strength, Success, Idealism, psychic revelation; Ideal for rituals which are designed to secure Ambition, Independence and financial success or to establish contact with the other, spiritual world; Enhances Neptune energy.

Lavender: higher consciousness, attraction, selflessness, higher self, communication, compassion, calming, compassion, inspiration Represents Intuition, Dignity and Spiritual Shields. Mother consciousness, manifestation, Spirituality, compassion, understanding, inspiration, make contact with Higher-Self, attract spiritual assistance, very calming.

Silver – Goddess, Victory, Stability, meditation, Developing Psychic Ability, Removal of Negative Power, Repelling Destruction,Cancellation, Neutrality, Stalemate Represents Clairvoyance, Astral Energies and Channeling. Also the faculty of long term memory and remembering past lives. Removes negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess, female power

Grey: Represents Neutral color, useful when pondering complex issues during meditation, in magic this often sparks confusion, it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.

Light Grey: Victory, Stability, meditation, DevelopingPsychic Ability, Removal of Negative Power, Repelling Destruction,Cancellation, Neutrality, Stalemate.Silver is primarily associated with female deities.

Peach – restoration and rejuvenation

Magenta: Energizes rituals where immediate action and high level of power or spiritual healing is needed quickly. Quick changes, Exorcism, Spiritual Healing.

Copper: Represents Financial goals, Business, Career Strategy and Professional Growth.

Indigo: Represents Color of inertia, stops situations or people, use in rituals that require a deep meditation state.  For rituals that demand Saturn energy.

Ivory:(beige): neutrality, balance and harmlessness

source 1 , source 2, source 3, source 4, source 5

List of Common Dried Magickal Flowers


Amaranth/Globe Flower: protection

Baby’s Breath: a pure heart and happiness

Feverfew: health and protection

Lunaria (honesty): money and repels monsters, according to folklore

Lavender: dispels bad luck and is protective, smells wonderful, too!

Larkspur: friends are welcome

Lotus Pods: good luck and blessings

Roses: love

Thistle: protection

Sunflowers: loyalty and admiration

Queen Anne’s Lace: safe house and return home

Wheat: fertility and prosperity

Yarrow: all purpose, the wise woman’s herb

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