




Astrology Glow Aesthetic: Leo Rising

elegant, generous, loyal, self-centered, melodramatic

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Leo rising, sun, and mars when seducing/ pursuing someone they like/ want. 😂

The Signs Stereotypes(girls):


*Check your Sun/Rising/Venus Sign

Aries: (Olivia Wilde) High cheekbones, Piercing gazes, Perfect eyebrows, Sturdy figure, Determined eyes, Daring posture, Broad shouldered


Taurus: (Gigi Hadid) Sensual figure, Dramatic demeanour, Doe-eyed,  Agreeable words, Slender neck, Startling look, Charming laugh, Endearing outfits


Gemini: (Holland Roden) Gleaming eyes, Pouty lips, Long Hair, Prominent nose, Friendly smile, High-pitched voice, Slim figure, Good-natured 


Cancer: (Zoe Deschanel) Warm smile, Long eyelashes, Inviting attitude, Gleeful look, Cheerful demeanour, Delicate body, Love-struck eyes, Engaging conversations 


 Leo: (Cara Delevingne) High cheekbones, Confident posture, Athletic body, Perfect hair, Daring clothes choice, Attractive laugh, Commanding voice


Virgo: (Kate Winslet) Curvaceous figure, Intense gaze, Soft features, Full lips, Wide hips, Sexy walk, Beautiful laugh, Slight dimples(maybe)


Libra: (Rosie Huntington-Whiteley) Flirty attitude, Perfect lips, Long legs, Red lipstick, Sparkly eyes, Petite figure, Irresistible charm, Radiant smile


Scorpio: (Megan Fox) Mysterious look, Seductive smirk, Sharp features, Scary glare, Baffling appearance, Mesmerising eyes, Smoky Makeup, Fruity voice


Sagittarius: (Kendall Jenner) Slender figure, Wild eyes, Knowing smirk, Playful gestures, eccentric gaze, Good humour, Chill look, Breathy voice 


Capricorn:(Natalie Portman)  Focused eyes, Earnest look, Winged eyeliner,  figure, Appealing voice, Genuine words, Elegant outfits, Quick-witted


Aquarius: (Emma Stone) Distant look, Unique hair colour, Deep eyes, Comical expressions, Engaging look, Alluring body, Undaunted posture


Pisces: (Blake Lively) Dreamy look, Soft smile, Tender touch, Adorable blush, Affectionate words, Sometimes daring, Dazed eyes , Sheepish grin


Signs when you first meet them (Rising signs) vs. Getting to know them (Moon signs)

Rising in Aries:Very friendly demeanor towards people not over the top though. Always quick to make you chuckle,will try to keep the conversation lively, keeps it light hearted nothing to serious.
Moon in Aries: This aspect brings out the flare of this person, is lively at heart and tries to find the fun in anything but can get down to business when need to be. The one to bring out a shy persons liveliness naturally not by force.
Rising in Taurus: Comfort is the best word to describe this placement, when they do speak to you it’s almost talking to a old friend. Not outgoing but can be very much friendly towards others, slight awkwardness in the conversation.
Moon in Taurus: Sarcastic humor will be very noticeable as you get to know them, also their STUBBORNNESS trying convince them to do something will be almost impossible. Very homey feeling about them comfortable to be around.
Rising in Gemini: Legit life of the party always quick to laugh and talk to someone new, always fidgeting with something or lot of hand movements. The one having a group of people laughing to near tears.
Moon in Gemini: Very intellectual conversations and random topics in general are spoken about when talking to them. Real chatty Cathy, loves to talk about a situation from both sides of a story almost like you have two people talking to you at once.
Rising in Cancer:Usually minding their own business not trying to seek out a interaction, but if they feel comfortable in a situation can be very lively and talkative. Though more on the reserved side so once the conversation loses the spark will say a good bye and carry on with their day.
Moon in Cancer: Loving big sibling is the vibe you get from them, will try to make as much puns as they can. Or be the voice of reason in situations cause they just want everyone to be safe and okay.
Rising in Leo: The legit go getter will always go up to strangers and talk in any situation. May be a little to forward in the conversation, loves company in general so yes a true extrovert.
Moon in Leo: Overdramatic but in the most funny way, most of the time just for everyone to have a good laugh or cause. Loud obnoxious bff who’s got your back the best way to describe them, you either love em or hate em.
Rising in Virgo:Very cynical vibe can come off with these individuals, rather it be through talk or movements. Nonetheless though can have a very deep conversations with people who look past their exterior.
Moon in Virgo: Honey you better have tough skin cause they will tell it like it is. Either sweet and savage is the best words to describe them in life. Cynical humor is their fav, also very protective of people they don’t think are shit. MEANS WELL THOUGH!!
Rising in Libra: Teater totters between being quiet and loud af. Depends on their comfort level and people around, so uncomfortable will be awkward and just nope then if opposite happens will be friendly and cracking jokes non stop.
Moon in Libra:Indecisive is big with them chill though they weighing out options. Usually the hand on shoulder type not the toughest of the bunch but, first to comfort. The mediator for everyone and hates when two people get in a fight.
Rising in Scorpio: The ‘fuck off and leave me alone’ type, but if you simply look through past it will be very humorous and charming. Most likely hanging out in the back chilling with no fuck.
Moon in Scorpio:The amount of sass is unnerving in one person. Makes very perverted jokes, basically the loveable asshole of the bunch. POSSESSIVE af towards anyone they care about, so don’t fuck around with that.
Rising in Sagittarius:Not go getter very chill vibe, but once you get a conversation they feel strongly on is mentioned you will know everything there is to know about it. Humorous philosopher is a good way to describe them, very passionate.
Moon in Sagittarius: Major shit talker, likes to poke fun at people downright savage. But can tone it down when need be chill never to outrageous with things in life. A good debate is always fun, can literally be about coke vs. pepsi will have a good time. Loves to be around strange people.
Rising in Capricorn: The ‘oh god please don’t talk to me I just wanna live my life’. Reserved like no other, can have conversations but no real emotion behind it. Nonetheless polite when talked to.
Moon in Capricorn: Emotional af but acts tough, needs to have outlet to express themselves. Productive needs to be in their life cause just nah. Sarcasm is their middle name, the one in your group who you think murdered someone.
Rising in Aquarius: Rebel without a cause, they come off as a shit starter. Quiet but can say powerful things (also have powerful emotions when talking about em ). Has a magnetic force that people have the urge to just talk to them.
Moon in Aquarius: The one who says random and crazy shit, for dramatic effect of course. Happy no matter what the situation (or acts like it). You never truly know what they are thinking or feeling. Friend you go to when you need a laugh.
Rising in Pisces: Acts high af, might not make complete sense when talking. Shy so might stutter or teeter totter if standing, you might feel like talking to a alien then a human.
Moon in Pisces: Scared they might fly off the handle at any point. Emotions are out their, very compassionate for others. Acts like they don’t know what you do in the dark but they do. Wants the world to just accept everyone major hippie. Would never make fun of you for anything.

the first things i notice about the rising signs

Aries: their energy. they always seem to be bouncing off the walls with energy and ideas, and have a childlike excitement about them.
Taurus: their beauty. they always seem to have a noticeable aesthetic and have a nostalgic aura.
Gemini: their wit. they always have something interesting to say, and it’s always witty and funny.
Cancer: their eyes. they seem so warm and inviting. they make you feel comfortable.
Leo: their laugh. they always have a cute and noticeable laugh. it’s enchanting.
Virgo: their manners. they are always so polite and kind, it’s refreshing to see.
Libra: their charm. they carry themselves with grace and are very charming people.
Scorpio: their attitude. they carry themselves with confidence and seem to know just who they are, what they want, and where they are going.
Sagittarius: their smile. they always seem to be enjoying themselves and having fun, no matter where they are.
Capricorn: their down to earth attitude. they are very comforting and relaxing to be with. they make you instantly feel secure.
Aquarius: their personality. they usually have a very unique personality and are the type of people you always want to be around and be best friends with.
Pisces: their aura. they seem to be very dreamy people, and give off a very soft and sweet aura. they feel calming to be around.

What We Need From Others

Sun: For me to shine and be confident I need to be…
Moon: For me to be emotionally secure I need to be…
Ascendent: For life to have meaning I need to be…
Aries: Accepted
Taurus: Welcomed
Gemini: Praised
Cancer: Appreciated
Leo: Adored
Virgo: Valued
Libra: Loved
Scorpio: Trusted
Sagittarius: Admired
Capricorn: Respected
Aquarius: Remembered
Pisces: Cherished

Sun vs. Moon vs. Rising


Aries sun: competes with others when they feel inferior
Aries moon: competes with themselves when they feel inferior
Aries Rising: competes with the world when they feel inferior

Taurus sun: obtains for others when they feel incomplete
Taurus moon: obtains for themselves when they feel incomplete
Taurus Rising: obtains for the world when they feel incomplete

Gemini sun: moves on from others when they’re bored
Gemini moon: moves on from themselves when they’re bored
Gemini Rising: moves on from the world when they’re bored

Cancer sun: nurtures others when they feel unsafe
Cancer moon: nurtures themselves when they feel unsafe
Cancer Rising: nurtures the world when they feel unsafe

Leo sun: entertains others when they feel insecure
Leo moon: entertains themselves when they feel insecure
Leo Rising: entertains the world when they feel insecure

Virgo sun: improves others when they feel imperfect
Virgo moon: improves themselves when they feel imperfect
Virgo Rising: improves the world when they feel imperfect

Libra sun: mediates others’ conflicts when they need peace
Libra moon: mediates their own conflicts when they need peace
Libra Rising: mediates the world’s conflicts when they need peace

Scorpio sun: unearths others when they crave change
Scorpio moon: unearths themselves when they crave change
Scorpio Rising: unearths the world when they crave change

Sagittarius sun: runs from others when they feel confined
Sagittarius moon: runs from themselves when they feel confined
Sagittarius Rising: runs from the world when they feel confined

Capricorn sun: shuts out others when they feel unsteady
Capricorn moon: shuts out themselves when they feel unsteady
Capricorn Rising: shuts out the world when they feel unsteady

Aquarius sun: reinvents others when they’re inspired
Aquarius moon: reinvents themselves when they’re inspired
Aquarius Rising: reinvents the world when they’re inspired

Pisces sun: heals others when they feel hurt
Pisces moon: heals themselves when they feel hurt
Pisces Rising: heals the world when they feel hurt

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